Carrum PS

Respect, Empathy, Resilience, Collaboration

Carrumpods – Episode 4, 2023

December 20, 2023 by carrumps | Comments Off on Carrumpods – Episode 4, 2023

Hey folks, the latest Carrumpods episode is available! Filmed & Produced by our Student Communications Team, Carrumpods – Episode 4, 2023, features footage from ‘The Colour Run’, ‘Marine Ambassadors’, Market Day’, ‘CKR’, and ‘Yard Words’! Please click on the link below to watch. Enjoy!

Carrumpods – Episode 3, 2023

September 16, 2023 by carrumps | 0 comments

Carrumpods – Episode 3, 2023 is available! Filmed & Produced by our Student Communications Team, Episode 3 features footage from ‘Book Day’, ‘Preps 100 Days’, ‘Footy Day’, ‘5/6 Space Launch’, ‘School Disco’ and more! Please click on the link below to watch. Enjoy!

Youth Design Challenge 2023

April 14, 2023 by carrumps | 0 comments

The fantastic team of 5/6 students pictured below have entered an international design thinking competition! The Biomimicry Youth Design Challenge is a project-based learning experience that asks teams to design bio-inspired ideas that can provide solutions to critical real-world problems. Our students designed a “Bird of Prey” drone to help keep our precious local waterway, Patterson River, free of rubbish. Please watch the film below for an outline of their amazing project.