Carrum PS

Respect, Empathy, Resilience, Collaboration


Carrum Primary School students access an online tool called Seesaw – it is a secure online learning journal where students can document and reflect on what they are learning in class. Your child is able to add items including photos, videos, drawings and voice recordings to their Seesaw journal.

We would like to invite you to receive a notification when your child adds an item to their learning journal. Seesaw journals are private and only accessible by the teacher, students, and parents – only you can see your child’s journal outside of class.

Seesaw can be accessed via iOS, Android and all computers via web browsers including Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer.

You can find our more information about Seesaw via their website –

We believe that Seesaw will not only become a valuable learning tool for students at Carrum Primary School but it will also be a valuable communication tool for parents.

We look forward to sharing your child’s journey with you.