The core purpose of Carrum Primary School, as outlined in the Strategic Plan, is to provide a rich, connected learning community that is inclusive and maximises opportunity for all. The school seeks to develop motivated, creative and independent learners who demonstrate strong social values and inclusivity and whose leadership, resilience and self-esteem is evident when interacting with the community.
Carrum Primary School (CPS) uses the Victorian Curriculum to guide teaching and learning. Our focus is strongly on the explicit teaching of literacy and numeracy as an essential basis for future learning and on values education and respectful relationships.
The school provides a comprehensive literacy curriculum with a strong focus on initiatives that enable differentiation to meet individual student needs. Explicit teaching of reading writing and comprehension as well as phonic knowledge, spelling, grammatical knowledge and pronunciation are key components of the literacy program from P-6.
An explicit teaching model underpins the numeracy program which features number fluency, open ended problem solving and rich, differentiated tasks for all students. Hands on learning and teacher feedback are features of the program.
We implement a very supportive student wellbeing program that ensures students work together to develop a safe and secure learning environment. The students have a strong sense of belonging to our school and its broader community. Our students represent the school with strength, honesty and loyalty. These values underpin our wellbeing program, which is based upon Restorative Practices. The student leadership program enables our students to be involved in decision making and establishing a friendly school culture. We encourage parents to become involved in all areas of the school to support our students and staff.
In addition to the comprehensive classroom programs offered in Literacy and Numeracy an Inquiry Learning approach is applied which addresses the curriculum areas of Science, The Humanities, Technologies and Health Education. Cross-curriculum priorities (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures, Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia and Sustainability) are addressed through this learning model as well as the four capabilities – Critical and Creative Thinking, Ethical, Intercultural, Personal and Social learning.
A Learning Specialist oversees the STEAM program, which is integrated into the Inquiry focus at each year level. An Arts specialist delivers a comprehensive program which develops art, music, drama and performance aptitudes in our students. A Physical Education Specialist delivers a Health and Physical Education Program, incorporating interdisciplinary and social learning supported by a range of camps, excursions and sporting activities. A Language Specialist coordinates our Mandarin program at Carrum PS.
The school offers a number of different initiatives to support students working above and below expected levels. A Literacy Specialist oversees the intervention program and a differentiated curriculum providing support and enrichment takes place in all classrooms. Extra-curricular activities for special interest groups are provided during the year through the GATEWAYS program.
Planning is undertaken in Professional Area Level teams that ensure scope and sequence curriculum implementation is monitored across the school. Non-negotiable explicit teaching practices and methodology is deployed to ensure consistency across the school. Professional Learning Teams in Numeracy, Literacy, Well Being and Technology oversee the development and critical appraisal of all programs using a range of data sets. Literacy and Technology Learning Specialists support all staff and enhance student learning.
The school has developed a structured approach to curriculum planning that ensures a shared vision within the school on curriculum development, documentation and delivery underpinned by the DET High Impact Teaching Strategies and the Practice Principles. We follow the E5 Pedagogical model.
Assessment and Reporting is the ongoing practice of gathering, analysing and interpretation of data to make informed and consistent judgement about learners’ progress and achievement. Teachers plan for and conduct a wide range of assessment reporting activities to support student learning and development as outlined in the CPS Assessment Schedule. Individual, level and whole school cohort data is analysed on a regular basis through the year – during team meetings, staff and leadership meetings and whole school moderation meetings.
Formal reporting provides comprehensive information about student learning and achievement in different forms. Student reports are provided to parents/carers twice a year to provide meaningful communication about student learning needs. The Annual School Report provides the school community with a summary of the school’s achievements and progress each year. Parent/teacher communication is encouraged in formal interview arrangements and through scheduled appointments. The school newsletter and Compass News Feeds provide further timely information about school events and activities.