Carrum PS

Respect, Empathy, Resilience, Collaboration

Carrumpods – Episode 2, 2023

July 18, 2023 by carrumps | 0 comments

Carrumpods – Episode 2, 2023 is available! Filmed & Produced by our Student Communications Team, Episode 2 features footage from ‘5/6 Friends of Carrum Foreshore’, ‘Marine Ambassadors’, ‘Kooky Hair Day’, ‘Silly Jumper, Scarf or Socks Day’, Yard Words, and more! Please click on the link below to watch. Enjoy!

Carrumpods, Episode 3, 2022

November 2, 2022 by carrumps | 0 comments

Carrumpods – Episode 3, 2022 is available! Filmed & Produced by our Student Communications Team, Episode 3 features footage from the fantastic 5/6 Famous Faces spectacular, our amazing 3/4 students removed litter from our beautiful Carrum beach & foreshore and then examined the waste they collected, Footy Day highlights, and more! Please click on the link below to watch. Enjoy!

Carrumpods – Episode 2, 2022

July 20, 2022 by carrumps | 0 comments

Carrumpods – Episode 2, 2022 is available! Filmed & Produced by our Student Communications Team, Episode 2 features footage from our House Cross Country, Olden Days Celebration Day, Friends of Carrum Foreshore, Fairy Tale Dress-Up Day, Maths & Art Action, Concert Props Workshop, Green Screen Fun and more! Please click on the link below to watch. Enjoy!