Carrum PS

Respect, Empathy, Resilience, Collaboration

Veggie Garden Update

kylie camera 095kylie camera 105kylie camera 104kylie camera 093kylie camera 091kylie camera 089This week in our chilly little garden, the temperature is dropping and the veggies have been rejoicing in the lovely rain!

The “just in case” snow peas have sprouted (along with some broad beans that must have found their way into the snow pea container! ) The snow peas in the pots are still struggling to survive after the snail attack….. but we decided to give them one more week to recover before we pull them out!

The lettuce seeds have sprouted in the beetroot bed and we will need to thin these out next week. The bok choy are still looking healthy and we may have some ready next week for market.

The climbing peas are growing stronger and have started to climb up our colourful supports! The radishes have grown at great speed and will all be ready for harvest this week, along with the last of the spring onions and some herbs.

Senior gardening club are continuing to do a great job with our “Sunshine” theme. This week saw the addition of a rainbow seat and quite a few butterflies, suns and beautiful flowers!

Happy (warm) gardening!


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